customized global solutions for the food industry
About us
Products for meat processing
Products for meat
Products for fish
Complete facilities and machinery for bovine, porcine and ovine slaughter lines
CO2 Stunning systems
Plants for the hygienic collection and processing of blood
Robotics for slaughtering and meat processing pants
Vacuum conveying system for waste material and by-products
UVC Disinfection systems for surfaces, air and water
Percussion stunning systems
Electric stunning system BTN201C
Vacuum systems
Circular trimmers and pneumatic scissors
Saws and cutters
Balancers for suspending tools
Touch panel i18 for managing processes in extreme environment
Sharpening machines, knives and steels
Band saw blades
Prods and paddles
Sticking Knives
Whips for final treatment machines and scrapers for dehairing machines
Equipment to close the oesophagus and rectum
Cap shutter for bovine heads
Marking ink and pens
Marking ink MER products
Water taps
Mesh gloves
Pneumatic and hydraulic oils and non-toxic lubricants
Lines to treat and clean porcine stomachs
Lines to clean, scald and degrease bovine and ovine stomachs and loins
Centrifuge machinery to clean stomachs, legs, heads, etc.
Machinery to open and empty small and large porcine intestines
Cannons to empty and turn around large intestines
Hydraulic systems to convey grease and by-products
Knives and blades to open, empty and cut intestines
Touch panel i18 for managing processes in extreme environment
Sharpening machines, knives and steels
Water taps
Mesh gloves
Pneumatic and hydraulic oils and non-toxic lubricants
Air conveyors for deboning plants, airing tunnels, cold rooms
Derinders, membrane skinners and skinners. Weight-controlled slicing machines
Circular trimmers and pneumatic scissors
Saws and cutters
Balancers for suspending tools
Pneumatic manual skinners RM101 and RM102
Loop making machines
Bacon and shoulder deboners
Shears to cut the bridge bone TOP20
UVC Disinfection systems for surfaces, air and water
Touch panel i18 for managing processes in extreme environment
Sharpening machines, knives and steels
Band saw blades
Blades for derinders, membrane skinners and skinners
Plastic hanger for meat pieces
Water taps
Mesh gloves
Pneumatic and hydraulic oils and non-toxic lubricants
Membrane skinners. Weight-controlled slicing machines
Circular trimmers and pneumatic scissors
Saws and cutters
Balancers for suspending tools
Pneumatic manual plucker
Vacuum conveying system for waste material and by-products
UVC Disinfection systems for surfaces, air and water
Touch panel i18 for managing processes in extreme environment
Sharpening machines, knives and steels
Band saw blades
Blades for skinners and membrane skinners
Water taps
Mesh gloves
Pneumatic and hydraulic oils and non-toxic lubricants
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